
Thursday, June 2, 2011

5 Quick Tips For Married Couples Who Want to Live Happily Ever After

Married is something which is very amazing. A beautiful wedding gown, unique invitations, party full of romantic peach-colored roses, many of guests from the companions until the relatives, the delicious food, unforgettable video documentation, sophisticated pre-wedding photos, it was all some of the interesting things that we experience only once a lifetime. All of this appears in your head since you were proposed by your loved one a while ago. How do you feel now? Do you feel nervous? Do not worry, I've got quick tips for married Couples, which certainly can make you more calm because there is a picture of how to live life after getting married later. Quick tips can also be relationship advice & tips which you can later share to another couple, so we can help couples to stop marriage separation. One thing you have to remember, life is never the same after marriage with life as a couple. 

The first of quick Tips for Married Couples is: Never say "you should ..." on your spouse. It seems trivial because besides not contain obscenities, this sentence might often convey when you were dating. Why this might be important? Because in early marriage, you'll be surprised with the adjustments that you should do because it feels like to find different people. Not really different actually, but he/she appears with the actual figure. You will easily feel offended by the little things that reflect selfishness or superiority. You can be very disappointed when after marriage you should feel driven / controlled by your spouse, rather than go together like going out at first. 

Next Quick Tips For Married Couple is: Never say "you're not willing to serve me?" The word "serve" is very dangerous thing to say, because we marry someone we love, not to marry a waitress. This word can really hurt the feelings of your spouse. Moreover, if the sentence is spoken just because you do not get something that usually provided by your spouse. A glass of tea for example. Your spouse didn’t make it could because she was exhausted. Imagine how sick you feel if you were at your spouse's position. 

Tips number-3 in Quick Tips for Married Couple is: Do not forget to say "thank you" to your spouse after you are helped / given something. Maybe you think this is not necessary after marriage because of the help that comes from your spouse, who has become your soulmate, he must have known without having spoken. You are wrong. The word "thank you" can give very large impact on the harmonization of your marriage because your partner feels always appreciated, and I am sure, no one in this world does not need an apretiation from others, including their spouses this is surely included in quick tips for married Couples.

Tip number-4 of the Quick Tips for Married Couple is: Never say "You weren’t used to be like this ..." This sentence is never uttered because it makes your partner feel they are not accepted as who they are. As time goes by, changes would appear, including on your spouse. That does not mean your spouse is not love you, but indeed we all stood the test every day until we die. The sentence could lead to feelings of disappointment and even fear. Your spouse may be worried that this sentence is spoken because you are going to find another figure that can meet your expectations. Very selfish isn’t it? 

The 5th and last of Quick Tips for Married Couple is: Always say "help" every time you ask for something from your spouse / you asks your partner to do something that you expect. Believe me this one word can have a major impact on your spouse. Besides you do not feel of being a driver partner, your partner will also do what you expect with joy. By running this relationship advice and tips you've also come to promote the stop marriage separation.Try this quick tips for married couples and feel the difference. Good luck!

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