
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chinese Wedding

Chinese Wedding Customs 1 - Pre-wedding Day
Executive summary about Chinese wedding by Jina Boo

Selection of auspicious dates 看日子
Auspicious dates are required for the Chinese wedding, the betrothal and installation of the bridal bed. After the selection of the auspicious dates, wedding details such as types and quantities of betrothal gifts, return gifts, bride’s price 娉金, and number of tables at the wedding banquet provided by the groom’s parents for the bride’s parents’ guest are agreed.

The bride’s side will light the 2 dragon candles and the groom’s side the phoenix candles on the morning of the wedding day.

A red packet for the groom’s parents to buy shoes is required. After the betrothal, the Chinese wedding invitations are distributed.

Deliver the bride's dowry 送嫁妆
The bride’s parents may include the bride's dowry with the return gifts on the day of betrothal or deliver the dowry a few days before the wedding.

Hair combing ceremony 梳头
Good fortune women will conduct this ceremony for the bride and groom in their respective homes the night before the Chinese wedding.

Chinese wedding decorations 大喜装饰
Double joy 双喜stickers will be placed on all wedding items such as the betrothal gifts, dowry, the couple’s toiletries and cosmetics.

Chinese Wedding Custom 2 - Wedding Day
The Wedding Day! Fetching the bride 迎亲

If the bride's family required a matchmaker 媒婆for the Chinese wedding, she will accompany the groom to fetch the bride. An even numbered portion of the bride’s price will be returned in the red packet. The bride’s younger brother will pass him two oranges before opening the door. The groom will give this younger brother a red packet after he opens the car door.

Kiss the bride! Taoist couple will pray to the bride's ancestors and family gods before leaving the bride's home.

The bride and groom will enter the bridal room directly after entering the groom's home. The Taoist bride and groom will pray to the groom's ancestors and family gods at this time.

Wedding Tea Ceremony 敬茶
Without the traditional three prayers, the tea ceremony becomes the most significant event in the modern Chinese wedding ceremony. The bride and groom are formally introduced to each other's family through this ceremony.

Bride's home visit 三朝回门
Traditionally the bride’s home visit is three days after the Chinese wedding ceremony.

Bride's younger brother to escort the bride home 小舅伴新娘回门
The bride's younger brother will arrive at the groom's home with a wedding basket 油篮 filled with toiletries, perfumed oils and make-up for his sister.

The bridal car will fetch the bride's younger brother to the groom's home.

Gifts for the bride's home visit 回门礼
The bride’s home visit is the couple’s first visit to her parent’s home as a married couple. The modern Chinese wedding ceremony is completed after the bride’s home visit.

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