
Friday, August 26, 2011

Muslim Marriage

Basics of a Muslim Marriage
Exclusive summary about Muslim marriage by Francis K Githinji

Muslim marriage is a sacred event that binds a woman to her husband. A Muslim marriage happens very religiously in accordance to the will of Allah. A Muslim man has the right to marry up to 4 wives and, a woman knows her place in the marriage. The Muslim culture prepares women thoroughly and, their marriages become a huge success. These marriages are governed by their laws known as Sharia. This form of solving problems has ensured that couples succeed in marriage. A marriage partner in this religion is a companion and a friend. The common problems that affect all marriages will also affect this kind of marriage.

Many people go into relationships with a lot hopes and expectations. The following are some of the tips that will help a Muslim couple strengthen their marriage and lead it to greater heights. In Islam, a man is seen as more of a shepherd to guide the family. Contrary to popular beliefs, this marriage is not based on dictatorship and it is a partnership. An Islamic marriage will be strengthened by spending time together

Muslim Marriage - A Relationship Which Symbolizes Islam and Love
Exclusive summary about Muslim marriage by Ruben Adams

Muslim marriage as in other faiths is a sacred institution. It is a moral contract binding between a Muslim man and a Muslim woman. Muslim marriages are performed according to the laws of the Islamic Shariah. Islamic marriages are generally arranged marriages by the parents. The Islamic marriage is solemnized by a priest who takes the consent of both the bride and the groom for the marriage. In an Islamic marriage premarital intimacy is strictly not permitted. According to the religion of Islam a Muslim marriage is the foundation upon which an Islamic society is built.

Muslim marriage is characterized by offering of the dowry by a Muslim man to his spouse. The Muslim marriages insist on the husband supporting his spouse financially and therefore it is the duty of the husband to support and protect his wife. The Muslim marriage rules also insist that the husband should make sure that both his wife and children have access to the religious Islamic materials.

Muslim women however are not allowed to marry more than one man. It allows the marriage of a Muslim man to a Jewish or a Christian woman. Islamic religion lays down strict marriage regulations as marriage and family are the building blocks of Islamic society. 

Also, check out my other summary on: love compatibility or marriage separation

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