Wedding Locations Tips
Executive summary about wedding location by John Border
Wedding location is a very important part of the wedding. It is the location which decides the choice of flowers and the wedding dress. The choice of wedding location is so critical that it has to be first on the checklist of things that you will be doing for the wedding planning.
If you select beach wedding as opposed to a church wedding then you will have different style of dress than what you will wear for the church wedding. In fact in a normal church wedding you will have to coordinate with other couples getting married on the same day for the wedding decorations especially flowers as Church generally do not change the flowers for a particular wedding. As an example the wedding arches look very good in beach weddings as opposed to the usual church weddings.
That also translates to additional cost in terms of hotel accommodations as well as additional costs in terms of airfare and food.
Hopefully this will help pick a great wedding location.
Wedding Locations to Match Different Tastes
Executive summary about wedding location by Vivian Gilbert Zabel
Every bride and groom has their own ideas for the ideal wedding location. Sometimes the place is selected based on weather constraints; some, on tradition; others, on romantic ideas. Whatever the reason for the choice, every bride wishes for a beautiful wedding which leaves behind lovely memories.
If a church isn’t preferred, unusual and romantic places can still be found. My daughter had her wedding in a historical mansion. Oklahoma City has the crystal bridge, an enormous glass cylinder filled with tropical and exotic plants. San Antonio has ancient missions. A bit of imagination and searching can result in a romantic wedding location during the worst weather.
Traditionally, weddings are held in a church, at home, or in the garden of a family’s or friend’s home. Churches can be decorated to add to the love-filled atmosphere. If the garden is filled with fragrant flowers, decorating is greatly reduced, thanks to nature.
Almost every city or town has a place that can be changed into a romantic wedding location.
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