Indian Numerology For Love Compatibility Analysis
Executive summary about love compatibility by Marco Chong
Among all these are English Astrology, Chinese Horoscopes, Chinese 8 Characters and Indian Numerology.
Let's look at Indian Numerology and how it works in terms of analyzing love compatibility... Now for the secondary need to add up the whole birth date. Compare both parties' Primary and Secondary number and see if they are in affinity.
1. Compare Primary number with Primary Number.
2. Secondary Number with Secondary Number.
3. Compare one party's Primary Number with the other party's Secondary Number.
4. Compare one party's Secondary Number with the other party's Primary Number.
If all 4 comparisons match, then it's an excellent match.
The benefits of using Indian Numerology to analyze love compatibility are that it's easy to master and the accuracy rate is above 80%.Once you master it, you can do it within 2 minutes.
Western Astrology for Love Compatibility Analysis
Is western astrology really accurate? The love compatibility is based on whether the signs belong to the same element.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are FIRE signs.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are EARTH signs.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are AIR signs.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are WATER signs.
Libra is an AIR sign. Therefore the next compatible signs for Aries other than the FIRE signs are the AIR signs.
Now for the second method...
You just need to have a Moon Sign Chart with you.
The first method involves the SUN SIGN only. This method involves the MOON SIGN as well.
The MOON SIGN is like a secondary personality. How do you analyze compatibility using this 2nd method?
Step 1: You need both parties' SUN SIGNS and MOON SIGNS. (You can get the MOON SIGNS from astrology books.
Step 2: Compare both SUN SIGNS.
Step 3: Compare both MOON SIGNS.
Step 4: Cross over and compare SUN SIGN with MOON SIGN and the other way round.
For example: The guy's SUN SIGN is Virgo, MOON SIGN is Cancer. The gal's SUN SIGN is Cancer, MOON SIGN is Libra. There is a common sign here. Although there is an AIR SIGN, Libra which is not so compatible with Earth and Water signs, it's still negligible.
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