
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Love is Patient

Can a Meaningful Engagement Follow This?
Executive summary about love is patient by J Sherven

While real love is patient, too often women and men alike fall victim to their insecurities and desperation - flogging love with painful cries of "Love me, love me."

What is it that they want when they beg "Love me, love me"? It can't because love that is real is also patient. This kind of intimate love is about developing trust and revealing oneself deep below the surface.

Then your engagement honors why love is patient and heals the need to ever again say "Love me, love me."

Relationship Advice - Love is Patient (Part 3 in Love Workshop Series)
Executive summary about love is patient by Krystal Kuehn

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. --Kent M. Keith

Love is Patient
How do you react when you are inconvenienced? Every day we are faced with new challenges that test our endurance and patience. Through patience we have the opportunity to express love for imperfect people and for life despite all its challenges and difficulties.

Patience is a passive demonstration of love. There is a calm quality to patience. Patience communicates love.
• I am willing to wait because some things are worth waiting for.
• Patience clearly communicates love in a very special way. Patience is commonly said to be a virtue. REFLECTION
• How understanding and tolerant am I with people in my life?
• How do I manage times of delay and waiting?

I can accept life as being imperfect.


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