
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love Notes

Love Notes: Reminders for Anyone Searching for Love
Executive summary about love notes by Peri Coeurtney Enkin

Intimate relationships; they infuse our lives with that special spark of vitality that makes colors shine brighter, flavors taste sweeter, and bodies feel healthier. And when they are absent from our lives we feel our deepest human desires burn unsatisfied inside.

There is a mystery to loves appearance in our lives, and yet there are things we can do to set the stage for loving relationships. If you want to enjoy the dance of polarity in your intimate relationship start now by enjoying being the woman or man that you are. Enjoy your own life fully while being passionately enthused about sharing your great life with a magnificent partner. Embrace the togetherness and allow natural breathing space too. Love the love that shows up and appreciate the gift of their presence in your life.

Love Notes - Three Arenas of Love

We learned to focus our attention on other people before we knew and loved our own self. Those three arenas are self, source and then others. Connection with source energy replenishes and reminds us that we are all made of the same stuff, and that stuff is essentially good, wise and loving. When we turn our attention inward and relax our personality selves we gain access to our core essence qualities. Others includes the ones who push our buttons, the ones who attract us and the ones who repel us too. The beauty of real love note is that in loving others we are enriched ourselves. When we enjoy the personalities of others, and celebrate their essential qualities we feel expanded and enhanced. Connecting from self delights us and assures that we will have genuine connections with others.

Connecting from source unites us, uplifts us and assures that our relationships will not stagnate but instead with expand and grow.

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